
also known as Mop Dog, Hungarian Komondor, Hungarian Sheepdog

Pros History

The Komondor, also known as the Hungarian Sheepdog, is a large and unique breed with a long and colorful history. This majestic breed, known for its distinctive corded coat, has been used for centuries as a livestock guardian in Hungary.

The breed was first officially recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) in 1936, and later by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1937. However, the origins of the Komondor can be traced back much further, to the early days of the Magyar tribes in Hungary. These nomadic tribes, who arrived in the region around the 9th century, brought with them their large, shaggy-coated sheepdogs, which were used to protect their flocks from wolves and other predators.

The name "Komondor" is thought to have originated from the Hungarian word "komondorok", which means "sheepdog with cords." This refers to the breed's unique coat, which forms thick, matted cords as the dog matures. These cords not only protect the dog from harsh weather and predators, but also give the breed its distinct and striking appearance.

The breed was considered a symbol of national pride in Hungary and was often depicted in Hungarian art and literature. They were also used as symbols in Hungarian folktales and legends, and were believed to have special powers to protect livestock and property.

During World War II, many Komondorok were used by Hungarian farmers to hide Jewish families from the Nazis. The breed's corded coat provided a natural camouflage, and the dogs' fierce protective instincts made them effective guardians.

Over the centuries, the Komondor has played an important role in the development of the Hungarian culture and economy. The breed was used by the Magyar tribes to protect their flocks, and later by the Hungarian nobility to guard their estates. The breed was also used by the Hungarian military during World War II as a guard dog.

The Komondor is a large and powerful breed, standing at around 27 inches tall and weighing around 100 pounds. They are known for their courage, loyalty and intelligence, making them excellent guard dogs. They are also known for their independent nature and strong protective instincts, which make them well-suited for working as livestock guardians.

In modern times, the breed is still used for the same purpose, but also as a companion and show dogs. Despite the breed's popularity, it remains relatively rare and is not seen as often as many other breeds. However, it remains a beloved and respected breed among those who are fortunate enough to own one.

Historic figures such as King Louis I of Hungary, and later on, the famous Hungarian composer and pianist Franz Liszt, were known to have owned and appreciated the breed.

Additionally, the breed has been used in herding and guarding livestock for centuries, but also it was used by the Hungarian military during World War II as a guard dog.

It is also known that the breed is considered a natural treasure in Hungary, and the Hungarian government has taken steps to protect and preserve the breed. In the past, there were efforts to crossbreed the Komondor with other breeds, but these efforts were ultimately unsuccessful and the purebred Komondor was successfully preserved.

Breed Information


Is Komondor a purebred?



What were Komondors originally used for?

Sheep guardian


How Long Do Komondors Live? What is average life expectancy for a Komondor? How long can Komondors live?

10-12 years

The average Komondor lifespan is somewhere between 10-12 years, provided they aren't beset by any exceptional health issues or injuries.

Komondor Height & Weight

How big is a full grown Komondor?

What is the average height of a Komondor? How big is a Purebred Komondor height? Komondor dog height:
Average 6 months 12 months 18 months
Male 25-27 inches (63.5 - 68.6 cm) 19.0 inches (48.3 cm) 22.0 inches (55.9 cm) 26.0 inches (66 cm)
Female 23-25 inches (58.4 - 63.5 cm) 18.0 inches (45.7 cm) 21.0 inches (53.3 cm) 24.0 inches (61 cm)
What is the average weight of a Komondor? How much should Komondors weigh?
Average 6 months 12 months 18 months
Male 100-125 pounds (45 - 57 kg) 57.5 pounds (26 kg) 72.5 pounds (33 kg) 102.5 pounds (46 kg)
Female 80-90 pounds (36 - 41 kg) 47.5 pounds (22 kg) 65.0 pounds (29 kg) 82.5 pounds (37 kg)
Weight Gain Potential

Do Komondors get fat easily?

The Komondor is a breed that has an average risk of becoming obese. Daily walks and a balanced diet of quality dry dog food can help maintain a healthy weight. An active lifestyle and monitoring weight regularly is recommended.


Are Komondors Hypoallergenic?


Unfortunately, the Komondor is not hypoallergenic, making it not a good choice for a dog lover who suffers from pet allergies.


What is a Komondor personality? What are Komondor dogs best known for?


Shedding Level

Are Komondors heavy shedders? How Much Does a Komondor Shed?

Komondor will shed a negligible amount of hair. Some owners say that they do not shed, but that is not true. But the amount of shedding can be rather light than other dog breeds. If you do not want to deal with the hairs flying around in your home, then this breed is a perfect choice for you.

Watchdog Ability

What is the watchdog ability of a Komondor dog?

The Komondor dog is one of the best choice if you want a good watchdog. This breed will keep watch over you and your family at all times. This breed takes this task seriously and will typically perform its guarding duty with little to no training. This dog will require obedience training, or you can consider guard dog training to sharpen its skills.

Breed History


Where do Komondors come from?



What are Komondors descended from?

Russian Ovcharka

Date of Birth

When were Komondors first bred? How old is the Komondor breed?


Breed Group

What Breed Group is a Komondor?

Working (AKC:1937)
Guardian Dogs (UKC)

Komondor Appearance

Eye Color Possibilites

What color are Komondor eyes?


Nose Color Possibilites

What color can Komondor nose be naturally?


Coat Color Possibilites

What color can Komondor coat be naturally?


Coat Length

How long is a Komondors coat?

The coat of a Komondor is longer than that of the typical dog.

Coat Density

How Dense Is The Komondor Coat?

Coat Texture

What is the texture of the hair of a Komondor?


Litter Size

How many puppies can a Komondor have in a litter? How many puppies can a Komondor have in her first litter?

10-12 puppies per pregnancy

A Komondor can have a litter of 10-12 puppies on average. However, it's worth noting that the size of the litters can vary greatly. Factors that can influence litter size include the health of the mother, breeding history, and genetics.


Komondor dogs generally adapt well to changes in lifestyle and different living environments, but it is considered as an average level of adaptability compared to other breeds.

Komondor Health Issues

Health Issues

Do Komondors have a lot of health problems?

The Komondor is generally considered to be healthy. However, like all breeds, they are susceptible to certain health issues and it is important to keep an eye out for them and address them with your veterinarian as needed.

Major Concerns

What are the major health concerns to be aware of when owning a Komondor?

Gastric Torsion
Hip Dysplasia

Minor Concerns

What are the less significant issues to keep in mind when it comes to Komondors?


Occasional Tests

What are the occasional tests recommended for Komondor breed?

Eye Examination
Physical Examination

Komondor Needs and Activities


Do Komondors have a lot of energy?

Komondors may be a good breed for those who prefer a more relaxed lifestyle. They tend to have a lower energy level than other breeds of dogs.

Social Needs

Do Komondors need socialization? How social are Komondors?

Komondors have average social needs compared to other breeds. They are known to be less active and independent than other breeds, and they are content with spending time alone and with their human family.

Exercise Needed

How much exercise should Komondors get?

The Komondor dog requires a moderate amount of physical activity to maintain a healthy lifestyle. These breeds are ideal for people who have a moderate amount of time to devote to their pet and enjoy regular physical activity themselves. They also make great family pets as they have the energy to keep up with children and the temperament to be great companions.

Sleeping Need

How much sleep should a Komondor have? Do Komondors sleep a lot?

The Komondor breed is known for their relaxed and calm nature and tendency to sleep for long periods of time.

Drooling Tendency

Does a Komondor drool a lot?

The Komondor is a dog that is known for its low drooling tendency. If you dislike drool marks on your clothing, the Komondor could be a suitable choice for you.

Tendency to Bark

How much does it bark?

The Komondor is a vocal breed, with a tendency to bark and howl frequently. They may not be the best fit for those seeking a quiet companion. Their barks can vary and can indicate different emotions and needs.


Do Komondors exhibit aggressive behavior to safeguard their home and territory? Do they possess a natural tendency to guard?

These dogs are known for being extremely protective and make excellent guard dogs. They possess a strong instinct to defend their territory and owners and have a high level of vigilance and alertness.


Are Komondors mouthy?

Roaming urge

What is the likelihood of a Komondor running away? Do they have a tendency to explore or wander frequently?

Prey Drive

Do Komondor dogs have a high prey drive?

Activity Level

What is the energy level of a Komondor? How much energy does a Komondor have?


Komondors are medium-energy dogs and typically enjoy socializing and playing casual or even sustained games of chase with other dogs. They may also have occasional periods of barking or racing around the house.

Tolerance of being left alone

Walks per Week

How far should a Komondor walk each week? How many miles should a Komondor walk every week?

10 miles / week

There's really no limit to how far you walk your dog as long as they're comfortable. For Komondor, it's at least 10 miles / week. Just remember to build distance and stamina gradually over time.

Activity per Day

How much a Komondor should exercise a day? How much activity does a Komondor need?

60 minutes

In general most Komondors usually need at least 60 minutes of exercise daily. This can be spread across the day and include all sorts of high-energy activities, like walking, running and playing.


What level of grooming should be provided for a Komondor?

The Komondor is a breed of dog that requires a significant amount of grooming. They will also require regular trims, and a professional groomer's help is often necessary to keep their coat in good condition. They may also need regular baths to maintain their coat and skin.

Brushing Frequency

How often should you brush a Komondor?


In general Komondor should be brushed at least once a month. Of course you can give them more frequent brushes, especially if they enjoyed it

Brushing Tools

What are the most commonly used brushing tools for Komondors?

Nail Clipper



How many cups of food does a Komondor eat?

3.8 cups

For an average 100-125 pound (45 - 57 kg) Komondor feed 3.8 cups daily. But, keep in mind, the amount you feed is going to be dependent on the quality of the food you are feeding.

Daily Cost

How Much Does a Komondor Cost Daily?

$3.90 - $4.20 / day

The average cost of a Komondor is somewhere $3.90 - $4.20 per day.

Monthly Cost

How Much Does a Komondor Cost Per Month?

$112 - $126 / month

The average per month expenses of a Komondor is between $112 - $126. This makes an average of $1344 - $1512 per year. It will be on the higher side when the dog is still small because it will need more frequent visits to the vet, shots.

Komondor Characteristic


How intelligent is a Komondor?

The Komondor have below the average degree of obedience intelligence among other breeds. However, calling them “dumb dogs” is unfair. Where Komondors lack in obedience & working intelligence, they make up for it with their keen ability to understand human emotions.

Sensitivity Level

How sensitive is a Komondor dog?

This dog breed is more sensitive than others and easily overwhelmed by new surroundings and people. They need gentle handling and a calm, stable home environment with positive reinforcement training.

Affection Dependance

Are Komondor dogs affectionate?

Apartment Friendly

Do Komondor do well in apartments? Are Komondors good indoor dogs?

It's not recommended to keep the Komondor in an apartment, but this breed make good apartment dogs as long as they get to spend a good amount of time outside of the apartment. Komondors living in apartments will need plenty of physical exercise and stimulation throughout the day to remain happy and well-behaved.

Child Friendly

Are Komondors good with kids? Are Komondors good around children?

Komondors are kid-friendly dogs. They are good with children and excellent dogs with children if they are socialized and trained at a young age.


Are Komondors good for elderly?

Cat Friendly

Are Komondors good with cats? How friendly Komondors are toward cats?

Komondors are one of the best dogs for cats. They're accept cats readily as part of the family. However, this dog breed should be trained to not chase after the kitty early on

Dog Friendly

Do Komondor dogs get along with other dogs? Are Komondors OK with other dogs?

Komondors are below average dog friendly dogs. Komondor dogs may not always get along well with other dogs they have not been raised with,

Pet friendly

How do Komondor dogs interact with other pets? Are they considered pet-friendly?

Stranger Friendly

Are Komondors friendly with strangers?

Komondors are not stranger friendly dogs.


Do Komondors like to play? Are Komondors playful?

Komondors have an average level of playfulness. The Komondors, like other dogs, like to play. But they are not the most playful dog breed.


Are Komondor easily trained?

Komondor dogs are known for their ease of training and ability to learn quickly, making them a popular choice for pet owners and trainers alike.

Pros Pros & Cons


  • Affectionate
    Komondors are known for their affection towards their owners and make great companions.
  • Active
    They have a lot of energy and require regular exercise.
  • Cat Friendly
    Having a Komondor in the household can be compatible with having a cat as well.
  • Protective
    They are known to be protective of their owners and their property.


  • Barking
    This breed of dog is known to be a particularly vocal breed.
  • Not suitable for office environment
    Komondors may struggle to adapt to an office environment.
  • Not Apartment Friendly
    Keeping a Komondor inside the home is not recommended.
  • Not Hypoallergenic
    People with allergies should be aware that Komondors may cause allergic reactions.
  • Grooming
    Their thick, corded coat requires regular grooming to maintain its appearance.